Social Issues & Pension Benefits
»Social law« is covered in a great number of separate laws. The “Sozialgesetzbuch” (SGB [Social Code]) already contains as many as 12 texts of law. Additionally, there is a multitude of claims relating to social law contained in a wide range of laws, legal decrees, statutes or provisions of federal state law.
We will expertly guide you through the various stages of life and problems you face in the context of education, unemployment, supporting and raising of your children, illness, a handicap, if any, old age or care dependency.
We will give you independent and expert advice on issues regarding grants for studies, assistance in dealing with the “Bundesagentur für Arbeit” [the German employment agency] as well as regarding the legal aspects of parents money.
If your health insurance refuses to cover the medical treatment costs, we will solve that for you. Moreover, we are your contact person for all questions regarding old-age pension and reduced earning capacity pension, statutory accident insurance payments as well as rehabilitation benefits.
In the event of a severe accident or serious illness, we offer you the possibility of ‘integrated damage management”. If, for example, you or one of your family members is seriously injured in an accident and as a result needs life-long care, we will do our utmost to keep as bearable as possible the medical and social repercussions of the accident for the person concerned and his or her family members.
The points of contact between a company and social law are numerous. It begins with the usual company audits and the assessments made in the process, which always have a direct impact on the situation in terms of social law.
Another important subject is determining the status of executives, particularly of the managing partner of a “GmbH”. An incorrect assessment of the status pursuant to social security legislation can have dire consequences. Even if social security contributions were paid for many years, for instance for the pension insurance, it cannot simply be assumed that a managing partner of a “GmbH” will necessarily receive a pension from the pension insurance. For, if it is established later on that this manager must not be regarded as an employee but, based on the fact that he has a say in the company, as an employer, there can be no pension claim vis-à-vis the statutory pension insurance – despite having paid contributions for many years.
There are also points of contact with your company in regards to questions about the contribution rules for the various branches of social security. This is shown by the fact that, first and foremost, only the employer is liable towards the social security organization for contribution arrears.
Finally, there are several supporting measures in terms of social law for your company scattered across the various books of the “Sozialgesetzbuch” (SGB [social security code]), ranging from short time working benefits over settling-in allowances to promoting labour conditions, for example in the form of grants for the payment of salaries.
All of these points will be further explained to you by our competent professionals, who will be more than glad to assist you with their expert knowledge.
Contact us. We will happily stop by your company.
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