International Law

1. International Law

Our legal order is characterized by increasing Europeanization and internationalization. These are challenges our clients and their advisors cannot escape.

In cases with an international dimension it is indispensable to determine the applicable law according to the prevailing European legal provisions as well as to examine the relevant international conventions and the legal jurisdiction. To do so, one must have knowledge about foreign legal orders and the efficiency of the various jurisdictions to map out the most efficient and safest route to safeguard the client’s legal interests in cases in which international law plays a role. The approach of organizing everything according to German law as much as possible and to assert claims in Germany falls short.

International private and civil procedure law, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods as well as international economic law are main subjects within our activities.

Many of our lawyers had an education abroad, where they studied foreign legal orders, and have been practicing international law for many years. This requires not only knowledge about foreign legal orders, but also command of foreign languages. Our firm corresponds in English, French, Dutch, Spanish and Italian.

Since we have offices in Belgium and the Netherlands, we are particularly familiar with those legal orders. Additionally, we take a keen interest in Luxembourg, French and Spanish law.

Thanks to the European lawyers association DIRO EWIV, a network of 175 law offices with more than 1,400 lawyers in 137 locations, we can also advise our clients extensively in foreign legal orders in which we have had no training and in which we cannot represent clients ourselves.

2. Belgian Law

A modern law firm located in the Meuse-Rhine Euregion, the Three-Country Point between Liège, Maastricht and Aachen, inevitably has to deal with the law of the neighbouring countries, and must be able to give advice and support to clients in those legal orders.

To that end, D H & K maintains an office in Eupen which currently has three lawyers. We advise both companies and individuals in the context of mandates pertaining to Belgian economic and commercial law. We act as lawyers before Belgian courts. However, in light of the growing mobility of the population, we also concern ourselves with the interests of individuals, whereby we make special mention of cross-border family and inheritance law. Of course, we equally concern ourselves with the interests of Belgian clients in Germany.

Our lawyers who specialize in Belgian law, correspond in the three official languages of Belgium (French, Dutch and German) as well as in English. Since they have been working and living in Belgium for many years, they are familiar with both the German and Belgian mentality and culture. This enables us to meet the needs of our Belgian and German clients in cross-border mandates and guarantees that your legal concerns are addressed efficiently.

Mr. Imfeld, LL.M., runs the Belgian branch of our association. He has been practicing law in Belgium since 2000. The focus of his activity is on Belgian economic law, with special connections to company, commercial and distribution law.

3. Dutch Law

In 2012, our association managed to attract the firm Hundscheid Advocaten in Sittard as a partner; hence we are also represented in the Netherlands. This enables D H & K to comprehensively represent the interests of clients also in cross-border mandates that bear relation to the Netherlands, and guarantees one-stop litigation in the Netherlands.

D H & K Sittard is active in the classic fields of company and private law. We advise and assist companies and individuals alike in both cross-border and purely domestic matters.

Naturally, our Dutch colleagues also communicate in German and English.

Key contact(s)

Guido Imfeld